Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Vacation Procrastination

I'll share something personal with you. I dislike doing laundry – a lot. So much so that I'll let mounds build up way too high. Then, once I've managed through the laundry-a-thon, I might fold it… or I might not. Rarely does it get put away. It's one of those "homemaker" activities that I fail miserably at yet still give Matt trouble about not separating colors and his disdain for fabric softener.

For some reason, vacation laundry seems even more insurmountable than the typical mound in my basement. It requires selection, too much choice and finite space. A top-notch professor friend of mine has imperial evidence that too much choice is bad and reduces happiness. To me, laundry and clothing planning for an 11-day vacation is like TGI Friday's dinner menu – way too much choice and parody for happiness and a guarantee that I'll be hurting later. So I'm avoiding it!

Who wants to come over Friday night for free beer and packing? In other news, I'm getting legitimately excited about our adventure.


  1. I'm looking forward to following your road trip. I am especially interested in the different foods you plan to try. Love, Mom

  2. I would like to come over for free beer on Friday but I prefer red wine. Love, Mom
