Wine is one of my favorite things. But to be completely honest, I'm a low-class wino. Like many twentysomthings, I've been meaning to take wine-tasting classes for a few years (along with golf lessons, cake-decoration classes and learning a foriegn language at the local community college). Of course, none of these have happened to date.
I may be a cheap wino for life and that's ok with me. One thing's for sure, I'm not going to get any wine class on this road trip. But maybe I can do some regional sampling and describe the flavors and experience in simple terms... Would that be worth reading about?
Transitioning to this video, I'm a communicator by day and I love this video. It's a Flash-based infographic on wine. It's informative, entertaining and strategically clear. In other words, it makes me want to have a glass wine tonight... from my fancy boxed wine. There. I said it. I have $24 boxed wine in my kitchen right now. Why anybody spends $24 for wine in a plastic bag, I have no idea. Will be going back to bottles mostly out of shame.
The Conception of Wine - Infographic from Tiago Cabaco on Vimeo.
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