Hi there. Yes, it's been more than two months since my last post. A couple things contributed to this fact. Firstly, we got a puppy and she's absolutely wonderful. Like older couples yearning to adopt a baby after traditional methods fail, bringing this puppy into our home was both well planned and a long time coming. And she's the tops. And she's very entertaining. And it made the blog - with it's two readers - substantially less interesting to me.

Secondly, I've got to be honest with you, I've been dreading this vacation a bit. It's been a dream of my husband's to do it... and I do want to see all the sites... but I've had this image in my head of the 4,000 miles in Fusion being, well, a nuclear disaster. I had to mourn the fact that there would be no beach and I also had to get on vacation wagon.
Seeing how excited and optimistic Matt is about this trip has turned my frown upside down. We leave in nine days. Super sophisticated robbers, no need to case our place, we've got a house-sitter.
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