Monday, June 28, 2010

So Which Is ‘Dem 11 States?

I got a great question today from my friend Barb in Dallas, “Can't wait to read all your adventures. What states are you traveling through?”

Minor oversight to the blog about the 11 states we’re traversing – listing the actual states. I’ll first note that by design we’ll narrowly avoid setting foot into both Kansas and Nebraska (a “hats off” to all you Mizzou Tigers fans).

Let’s see, we’ll start by bisecting our state – beginning in eastern “Missouri” and ending in a foreign land known as “Missoura.” From there we’ll head north until we reach the western edge of Iowa. And boy, we’ll be within a stone’s throw of Nebraska for hundreds of miles. Next comes the great… err… grand… well, very vast and mostly empty state of South Dakota.

I could go on, but you get the picture.  Based on Barb’s question, I took the liberty of creating this interactive Google map of our journey. Might even update it along the way with some of our favorite sites and eats – we’ll see.

View Foodie Road Trip - Maiden Voyage! in a larger map

On an unrelated note, I had the privilege of grabbing a drink after work with a truly fascinating woman. She’s an executive coach today, but she spent more than 20 years as a ballerina at The Met and discovered opera along the way. She’s headed to Athens next week and I was stuck by the comment she made as her eyes lit up in anticipation of the journey, “I am transposed by antiquity.”

Now that’s a way of seeing (and being) I could rally behind! In other news, I need to pack, but I really, really don’t care to.

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