Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Week and We'll Be Road Tripping

Morning, road crew! In one week from this morning, Matt and I will be embarking on our epic journey. It's getting so close I can almost taste the road dust.

An update from yesterday's blog, I received a top-notch idea from my Dad, currently in London, that audio books were a must! He even suggested I hit up a family friend for a few of his copies. Will definitely be sending him the blog URL this morning. (Thanks in advance, Kris!)

In other news, I added several gadgets/widgets to the right-hand column of the blog. Interested in your reactions.

On the topic of family and friends... I'm not assuming you're wowed or even minorly fascinated by our road blog – but if you are, feel free to share it with friends. Just do me a favor and don't tell them were we live. Housesitter or not, I am a tiny bit paranoid about advertising our out-of-town status.


  1. Becky,
    If you enter Yellowstone through Gardiner, MT, there's a great little hamburger stand there. The nickname is "Hateful Helen's"; I don't know the real name. It's a little carryout place on the main road into Gardiner; it was painted yellow five years ago. Great burgers. We also ate a a place call Park City Grill in town and it was excellent. Gourmet dinner in an unexpected place.

  2. Chuck, thanks for the recommendations. I think we'll miss MT altogether, maybe next time. My mouth might be watering ;-).
